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[Translate to English:] Studio Tonic-Design Empfangsbereich Kanzlei Sigerist Luzern

Designing the reception area

New rooms for the Sigerist law firm and advocacy in Lucerne

The bright new rooms of the Sigerist advocacy and notary’s office on Grendel Street in Lucerne make a spacious, welcoming and harmonious impression. The friendly reception area was created by Studio Tonic, a design agency headquartered in Inwil. While Studio Tonic was in charge of sketching the concept, the design and the technical planning, implementation was carried out by its partner company Obrist interior AG.


A bright design for the reception area

Consciously selected light colours make the 28 m2 reception area look spacious, inviting and very harmonious. The lighted pedestal supporting the reception counter lacquered in white and branded with the «sigerist ADVOKATUR UND NOTARIAT» logo provides the room with a welcoming atmosphere.


Next to the counter, a comfortable sitting area invites visitors to shorten any waiting time and offers a pleasant setting for shorter meetings. Behind the counter, the slat wall executed in oak veneer divides the room in two parts and additionally serves as a privacy screen for the desk behind it.


Design and light complement one another

But the rooms owe their luminous character mainly to judiciously applied light sources. The design team has consciously accentuated the premises: in addition to the lighted desk base, pendant and wall lamps were added. The wall and suspension luminaires were designed by .


Praise for a happy Studio Tonic team

The Studio Tonic team was very pleased with the client’s high praise. The law office’s owner Michael Sigerist said: “We are more than satisfied with your imaginative suggestions, your expert advice and the highly qualified, customer-friendly implementation on site. We will always be happy to warmly recommend both Studio Tonic and Obrist interior to anyone.”



[Translate to English:] Studio Tonic-Design Empfangsbereich Kanzlei Sigerist Luzern
[Translate to English:] Studio Tonic-Design Empfangsbereich Kanzlei Sigerist Luzern